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How to get the user input from the frame and save into txt file?

My programs run like this:

  • I have a form with an add button, save button, and tabcontrol.
  • When the add button in the form is clicked, the tabcontrol will add more tabitem. And the tabitem is basically added from myframe which includes users key-in value in a TEdit.

What I want to achieve is to print all the user input from the frame to a txt file when I click on the save button(tick) in the form. This is my code in form. Can anyone please give me some hint?

My frame Image:

enter image description here

My form Image:

enter image description here

My code:

enter image description here


  • The following should teach you all the ingredients you need.

    Create a new application. I chose to make a VCL application, but I double-checked that all the steps are the same in Firemonkey (FMX).

    Add a few edit boxes and combo boxes, like this:

    Screenshot of a form with two edit boxes ("First name" and "Last name"), a combo box ("Sex"), and a button ("Save").

    Name the controls eFirstName, eLastName, cbSex, and btnSave, respectively.

    Then write the following OnClick handler for the button:

    procedure TForm1.btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
      DataFile: TMemIniFile;
      DataFile := TMemIniFile.Create(TPath.Combine(TPath.GetDocumentsPath, 'PersonalData.txt'));
        DataFile.WriteString('General', 'FirstName', eFirstName.Text);
        DataFile.WriteString('General', 'LastName', eLastName.Text);
        if cbSex.ItemIndex <> -1 then
          DataFile.WriteString('General', 'Sex', cbSex.Items[cbSex.ItemIndex]);

    You need to add both IniFiles and IOUtils to your uses list (at least the implementation one).

    Now, if you fill in the form,

    The same form now filled in.

    and click the Save button, the following file is created:


    It isn't evident from the screenshots alone, but if you are at the top edit box and press the Tab key repeatedly, you go to the second edit box, to the combo box, and then, finally, to the button. This is because I made sure that the tab order is correct. You should do the same.

    Also notice the underlined characters. These are called keyboard accelerators. If I press Alt+F, for instance, focus will move to the First name field. This is achieved by giving the label the caption (text) &First name: and assigning the corresponding edit control to the label's FocusControl property.

    In this case, the button is Default, meaning that it is the button that responds to the Enter key. If it hadn't been default (and in your GUI, that might not make sense), I would have given it the caption &Save and changed &Sex: to S&ex:. Can you guess why?

    Other approaches

    You can also use a TStringList:

    procedure TForm1.btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
      DataFile: TStringList;
      DataFile := TStringList.Create;
        DataFile.AddPair('FirstName', eFirstName.Text);
        DataFile.AddPair('LastName', eLastName.Text);
        if cbSex.ItemIndex <> -1 then
          DataFile.AddPair('Sex', cbSex.Items[cbSex.ItemIndex]);
        DataFile.SaveToFile(TPath.Combine(TPath.GetDocumentsPath, 'PersonalData.txt'),