I wanted to install cuda on my ubuntu 18.04, and also install nvidia-driver-450. but sth was wrong. when I restart my laptop, gui did'nt load and a command line appear. first i run sudo apt-get install -f
. but it raise error
Errors where encountered while proccessing:
E: Subproccess /var/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
then i run sudo dpkg --configure -a
and it raised:
then i test sudo apt remove --purge <package>
and raise error:
thanks for your helps!!
I could solve it after 3 days serching. first i ran
LC_MESSAGES=C dpkg-divert --list 'nvidia-340' | sed -nre 's/^diversion of (.) to ./\1/p' | xargs -rd'\n' -n1 -- sudo dpkg-divert --remove
sudo apt --fix-broken install
sudo apt purge nvidia*
and reboot.