Here is the .proto
file I used:
syntax = 'proto2';
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
// Package-wide variables from generator "generated".
option go_package = "v1alpha1";
// ArchiveStrategy describes how to archive files/directory when saving artifacts
message ArchiveStrategy {
optional TarStrategy tar = 1;
optional NoneStrategy none = 2;
When I tried to compile:
protoc -I /usr/local/include -I . -I ./vendor -I /root/go/src \
-I /root/go/pkg/mod/ \
-I /root/go/pkg/mod/ \
--include_imports --gogofast_out=plugins=grpc:/root/go/src \
--grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:/root/go/src \
--swagger_out=logtostderr=true,fqn_for_swagger_name=true:. \
it reminds me that:
pkg/apis/workflow/v1alpha1/generated.proto:6:11: Expected ";"
It's a compile error which means the package name should not contain -
Are there any methods to use -
in package name or any workaround?
It's not allowed, neither by proto2 specs (as in your example code) nor by proto3 specs.
As shown in the specs (either of above mentioned), a package
declaration follows the pattern:
package = "package" fullIdent ";"
i.e. the keyword package
followed by a fullIdent
followed by one ;
semicolon, where fullIdent
is defined as:
fullIdent = ident { "." ident }
i.e. at least one ident
followed by zero or more other ident
's preceded by .
, where ident
is defined as:
ident = letter { letter | decimalDigit | "_" }
i.e. at least one letter, followed by zero or more letters ([A-Z]
, [a-z]
), digits ([0-9]
), or the underscore _
So in conclusion, you can't have a minus (dash) -
character in your protobuf package name.
Additionally, as @colm.anseo pointed out, Go package names also don't allow dash -
characters either:
PackageName = identifier .
where identifier = letter { letter | unicode_digit } .