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Authorization of commands in Axon

Up until now I have been handling authorization in the CommandHandlers.

An example is I have an aggregate "Team" containing a list of managers (AggregateIdentifier from a User). All command handlers in the Team aggregate then verify the user executing the command is manager of the team. The userId is injected as metadata in a CommandHandlerInterceptor based on the SecurityContext.

My main concern is, when I use sagas, it becomes an additional overhead to maintain the user context across the commands issued against different aggregates. Aside from that, the manager association can expire in the period the saga is running and subsequent failing commands, leading to an incomplete state which also needs to be handled with some rollback functionality.

Is it better to do the authorization in my controller layer to avoid the additional overhead or should I see it more as good practice to let my CommandHandlers decide whether the command is valid for the aggregate?


  • Authorization to perform certain operations/commands is something which I'd argue isn't domain specific logic. Instead, it is more a form of cross cutting concern which you need throughout your application. Thus, placing it in the @CommandHandler annotated method is not the ideal place in my head. However, placing it close by makes a lot of sense.

    You have pointed out you are already using a CommandHandlerInterceptor to populate the Spring SecurityContext, thus I am assuming you are using a CommandDispatchInterceptor to populate the command's MetaData with information when you send a command out. This is a great use of the interceptor logic indeed, so I'd keep that in place. This however set's the information, it doesn't validate it.

    To that end, you could build your own Handler Enhancer, which validates security metadata on a command. You could even build a dedicated annotation you'd add next to the @CommandHandler annotation, which describes the required roles. That way, the method still portrays what roles you need for the given command, but the actual validation can be done in this Handler Enhancer for you.

    Now, let's circle back to your question:

    Is it better to do the authorization in my controller layer to avoid the additional overhead or should I see it more as good practice to let my CommandHandlers decide whether the command is valid for the aggregate?

    I think it's fine to do it in the aggregate, potentially making it cleaner through use of a Handler Enhancer. When it comes to your concern in the Saga, well, I think you should see that separate. The Saga handles events, facts that something has happened. Ignoring that fact because somebody whom initiated the operations which led to this fact doesn't have the rights doesn't resolve the point that it still has happened. Added, you are indeed not guaranteed on the timing of the Saga at all. Maybe your Saga deals with historical events, meaning it is completely out of scope.

    If possible within your system, I would regard any command the Saga wants to publish as being sent by a "system user". The Saga is not something your users (which have specific roles) will directly influence; it is all indirect. The Saga is internal to your system, hence it is the system describing the intent to perform an operation.

    That's my two cents to the situation, hope this helps you out @Vincent!