I am trying to do data processing with the .mat result from Dymola. My plan is to use MATLAB. I got a few questions about the .mat file:
You can get an explanation for the basic data-structure of the result file if you generate a textual result file (it might also be somewhere in the documentation), and the most relevant part is:
Matrix with 4 columns defining the data of the signals:
dataInfo(i,1)= j: name i data is stored in matrix "data_j".
(1,1)=0, means that name(1) is used as abscissa
for ALL data matrices!
dataInfo(i,2)= k: name i data is stored in column abs(k) of matrix
data_j with sign(k) used as sign.
And to simplify things: there are at most two data-matrices, and the abscissa used for ALL data matrices is "Time".