Scenario to Solve: Our ultimate aim is to get Scaled AverageWeeklySales(AWS) with below formulae:
Scaled AWS = (Number of Weeks article has had a record within the store / maximum Number of Weeks in data) * (AWS / Number of Weeks)
Input 'table_a' Structure:
Store Article Date Week Year Sales
xx xx xx xx xx xx
Tried Out: Have framed a query till finding AWS[at store level] and got stuck there to proceed furthur. Since I'm new to this, I'm not sure how this Scaled AWS can be achieved through BigQuery SQL. Need Help!
WITH total_weekly_sales AS (
SUM(Sales) AS TotalWeeklySales
AVG(TotalWeeklySales) AS AverageWeeklySales
total_weekly_sales tws
Sample Data:
Store Article Date Week Year Sales
11 aa 2019-07-01 202001 2020 4.9
11 bb 2019-07-07 202001 2020 22.5
11 cc 2019-07-08 202002 2020 10.4
12 aa 2019-07-01 202001 2020 5.3
12 bb 2019-07-07 202001 2020 20.2
Comment Queries:
Tried Out
' session in
Question, as to find totalweeklysale at store level and getting
average of it gives AWS]Desired Result: Scaled AWS Formula Part_1 Result [Number of Weeks article has had a record within the store / maximum Number of Weeks in data]
Store part_1_value
11 1.5 (3/2)
12 1 (2/2)
Scaled AWS Formula Part_2 Result [AWS / Number of Weeks]
Store part_2_value
11 18.9 (37.8/2)
12 25.5 (25.5/1)
Final Output to be: [Part_1 * Part_2]
Store ScaledAverageWeeklySales
11 28.35 (1.5*18.9)
12 25.5 (1*25.5)
On the whole, our end result should be at Store Level. Thanks in Advance!
After your clarification, I was able to create a query which calculates what you are seeking for.
I have used the data your provided together with the WITH statement, together with MAX, COUNT aggregation builtin methods in BigQuery.Below is the query,
WITH unique_articles AS (
SELECT Store, COUNT(DISTINCT Article) as uniq_art FROM `test-proj-261014.bq_load_codelab.sales_week`
max_weeks_st AS (
#not possible to use DATE_DIFF cos the format of the date, the number of weeks would be 1 for the sample data
#so WEEK column will be used instead
SELECT Store, COUNT(Distinct Week) as max_weeks_st FROM `test-proj-261014.bq_load_codelab.sales_week`
group by Store
#below returns a struct. So in order to access the int64 value name_of_struct.max_weeks_data
max_weeks_data AS(
SELECT MAX(a.max_weeks_st) AS max_weeks_data FROM max_weeks_st a
sum_sales AS (
SELECT Store, SUM(sales) as sum_sales FROM `test-proj-261014.bq_load_codelab.sales_week`
final_data AS(
select a.Store, a.uniq_art, b.max_weeks_st,c.sum_sales, max_weeks_data FROM unique_articles a LEFT JOIN sum_sales c USING(Store)
LEFT JOIN max_weeks_st b USING(Store) CROSS JOIN max_weeks_data
SELECT Store,((uniq_art/max_weeks_data.max_weeks_data)*(sum_sales/ max_weeks_st)) as AWS_result FROM final_data a
and the output,
Row Store AWS_result
1 11 28.35
2 12 25.5
Notice that max_weeks_data is a struct. Thus, to access its value it is necessary to follow the syntax: name_of_struct.max_weeks_data. Moreover, notice that, each variable you described is calculate in a temp table, always with the Store ID, which is used to join the tables.