I am new in xamarin. I am getting difficulty to bind my List in xamarin CollectionView. I get the bellow json from API
"OK": 200,
"status": "success",
"data": [
"Category": "Category 1",
"List": [
"SubItem": "The A1"
"SubItem": "The A2"
"Category": "Category 2",
"List": [
"SubItem": "The C1 sub"
"SubItem": "The C2 sub"
You should have two models and a viewModel like this in your project:
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
public MainPage()
BindingContext = new viewModel();
public class subModel
public string SubItem { get; set; }
public class Data
public string Category { get; set; }
public IList<subModel> List { get; set; }
public class viewModel {
public ObservableCollection<Data> items = new ObservableCollection<Data>();
public viewModel() {
In the xaml, bind to a grouped CollectionView:
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding items}"
<Label Text="{Binding SubItem}"/>
<Label Text="{Binding Category}" />