I want to copy some file from local computer to remote in a standard way:
Copy-Item -Path C:\some_path\test.txt -Destination \\server\c$\some_other_path\test.txt
Unfortunately i have to specify custom port due to routing on server
. I am pretty new to remote management and powershell. Is there any way to specify port for Copy-Item or UNC path? If not, are they some other reasonable solutions to this problem? Thanks in advance.
Even though this is an old thread, I still provide my method here hoping that could help someone else.
According to the official docs, there is no way to specify a port using Copy-Item
, but you can try to use parameter ToSession
to achieve your goal if your PS version is higher than 5, see the new features here.
Create a session with a specified port:
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer -Port $port
Then copy files using the session:
Copy-Item "C:\some_path\test.txt" -Destination "C:\some_other_path\test.txt" -ToSession $session
And don’t forget to remove the session when you’re done.
$session | Remove-PSSession
Use PowerShell Copy-Item to File Transfer Over WinRM