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react native elements right arrow icon not working

I am using the react-native-elements library and I'm trying to show the Entypo right arrow icon in one of my components, but the name 'arrow-right' isn't working. Instead, I see a question mark.

<Icon name="arrow-right" size={20} color="black" />                        

I got the icon name from here:



  • Importing Icon from react-native-elements is actually the correct way to do it as you get access to the additional props react-native-elements provides (Like the raised prop for example). The problem was that you needed to specify a type. The type prop determines which icon set will be used.

    import { Icon } from 'react-native-elements'
    <Icon name="arrow-right" size={20} color="black" type="entypo" />

    All available icon sets and properties are listed here: