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How to stop a traceback call after making a deliberate mistake?

I am making a calculator which executes only a certain number of operations, if anything else is entered it prints a reminder message. But during that process an name error occurs, just after it prints'a'. where am i going wrong?

if Operation == '+':
    c = a + b

elif Operation == '-':
    c = a - b

elif Operation == '*':
    c = a * b

elif Operation == '/':
    c = a / b
    print('Read the Instructions again, dimmwit')

print('Your answer is', c)

print('Thanks! Have a great time!')

And pls give a few suggestions on how should i improve my code.


  • You really should also post the particular NameError you're getting, and the traceback. (And your full code.)

    Anyway, the problem is you're not initializing c to anything, so when control falls out of the "insult the user" else, trying to print c can't happen.

    Give c some value in all cases, then check whether you actually did an operation:

    c = None
    if Operation == "+":
        c = a + b
    elif Operation == "-":
        c = a - b
    elif Operation == "*":
        c = a * b
    elif Operation == "/":
        c = a / b
        print("Read the Instructions again, dimmwit")
    if c is not None:
        print("Your answer is", c)
        print("Thanks! Have a great time!")

    Better still, do the computation in a function of its own, and output things to the user elsewhere:

    def compute(operation, a, b):
        if operation == "+":
            return a + b
        elif operation == "-":
            return a - b
        elif operation == "*":
            return a * b
        elif operation == "/":
            return a / b
        return None
    c = compute(operation, a, b)
    if c is not None:
        print("Your answer is", c)
        print("Thanks! Have a great time!")
        print("Please read the instructions again.")