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Parsing a raw string int a golang struct in go gin

I have data coming from a request in text/plain in this format:

machine_id=XXX&v_k=44&v_dr=4.0&v_total=44.9&message="Idle Data"

How can I parse this into a struct or a map[string]string in golang?

type Event struct {
    MachineID    string  `json:"machine_id"`
    Message      string  `json:"message"`
    VDr         float64 `json:"v_dr"`
    VKeg         float64 `json:"v_k"`
    VTotal       float64 `json:"v_total"`

I am looking to the equivalent of

jsonMap := make(map[string]interface{})
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &jsonMap)


var p Event
err := json.NewDecoder(c.Request.Body).Decode(&p)

if the raw string was json formatted. I cannot change the Header coming from the client to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and handle this as a form.


  • The ParseQuery method in the url package will do it, with the caveat that the item you have in quotes, message="Idle Data", might not parse quite right, meaning you'll want to call url.PathEscape first.


    ParseQuery returns a Values type, which is just map[string][]string

    If this is coming from an HTTP request, though. the Request object has a method to handle parsing the query string. It's Parse Form