My goal is to integrate Ionic5(based on Angular) with Firebase analytics. I need to do it for Android, IOS and web.
The thing is that what works for IOS and Android - does not work for web.
So, my current solution - for mobile:
import { FirebaseAnalytics } from '@ionic-native/firebase-analytics/ngx';
and then use it to log events, ect:
this.fa.logEvent(name, properties);
And if the user is from web (tried the same as for mobile - but it did not work):
import 'firebase/analytics';
import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
and log events -, properties);
My question here: Do I understand it correctly? Should I have different ways of implementation for web and mobile for all methods (like on example)? Ex.
In constructor (private fa: FirebaseAnalytics)
logEvent(name: string, properties: LogEventPropertiesModel): void {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
if (this.isDesktop()) {, properties); // Ex: "select_content", {content_type: "page_view"}
} else {
this.fa.logEvent(name, properties); // Ex: "select_content", {content_type: "page_view"}
Your understanding is correct and in line with current documentation
Firebase.Analytics leverages native implementations with iOS/Android and JS implementation for web.
In theory you could just stick to one implementation being javascript which in case of Ionic would work across all platforms (due to web-view or browser), but native implementations allow you not to worry about another javascript code blocking main thread etc (so mostly performance reasons).