I am trying to create a file inside a directory using Uri. For the new file to be created, I do not have the Uri, but I do have for the directory inside which I want to create the file. I am following this guide: https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage/shared/documents-files#grant-access-directory
So now I have persistent access to (say) [Internal storage]/MyFilesCollection
I also have the Uri to access it.
I want to create a file inside this directory, basically (say) [Internal storage]/MyFilesCollection/myFile.txt
I do not want to use Intent.ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT
as it opens the system picker for every file I want to create. Also I have persistent write access to the folder. So is there any way to create the file without using intents?
Edit: Code used to gain persistent access:
val contentResolver = applicationContext.contentResolver
val takeFlags: Int = Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION or
contentResolver.takePersistableUriPermission(uri, takeFlags)
I am going to guess that you are using ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE
to get the Uri
in the first place. If so:
Step #1: Use DocumentFile.fromTreeUri()
to get a DocumentFile
associated with the Uri
Step #2: Call createFile()
on that DocumentFile
to get a DocumentFile
representing the document that you wish to place in this tree
Step #3: Call getUri()
on that new DocumentFile
to get a Uri
representing the document
Step #4: Call openOutputStream()
on a ContentResolver
, passing in that Uri
, to get an OutputStream
, which you can use to write to the document