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Compile piece of code dynamically and add it to the current class

I want to create several properties on the fly inside the class' constructor and add them to the current class. The property's template is the following

public [PropertyType] [PropertyName]
get {return Container.Resolve();}

I've read a little about CodeDom and Reflection.Emit but haven't been able to figure out how to use them in this particular use case.

Any clue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

EDIT: I'm elaborating on the purpose due to the number of questions... I'm trying to implement the base class for a view model locator. The binding in xaml is achieved through referring to a property by its path, therefore it MUST be a property. The types and names of the properties to be added are known only at runtime, therefore I'm using reflection to get them. In short, I need an example of taking a piece of code and compiling it dynamically into the given class.


  • If you're under C# 4, you can use the new dynamic features for that. Use ExpandoObject or DynamicObject to add properties to your object dynamically. If you then refer to them in XAML, they will get resolved correctly.

    In any case, it's not possible to modify existing class. What you can is to create a new class, which can inherit from existing class, and add the properties to that. You should be able to bind to them from XAML.