I wrote a small code with python. But this part of the code doesn't work when game focused on and it doesnt respond back.
pyautogui.moveRel(-2, 4)
Also this part works when my cursor appear in menu or etc. too. But when i switched into game (when my cursor disappear and crosshair appeared) it doesn't work (doesn't matter fullscreen or else). These type of keyboard commands are in my code also but they works fine.
It's about mouse or pyautogui ?.. How can i make mouse moves correct ?
I tried this code below:
import win32con
import win32api
win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, int(10), int(10), 0, 0)
And it worked in game. I think it relative with win32con. Anyway i got it.