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How to get all of the pasted string, in input which has a maxLength attribute?

I need to get all of the pasted string in input which has a maxLength attribute.

But in 'onpaste' event there is no property to get all of the pasted string.

For example, check below snippet with this string:


The output is : "AAAAA"

But I need all of the string.

const onPasteFn = (e) => {
  setTimeout(() => document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =, 0)
<input type="text" maxLength="5" onpaste="onPasteFn(event)" />

<p id="demo"></p>


  • Consider using clipboardData from the event, where you can use getData() to grab the text that was pasted from the clipboard like so:

    const onPasteFn = (e) => {
      document.getElementById("demo").textContent = (e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('text');
    <input type="text" maxLength="5" onpaste="onPasteFn(event)" />
    <p id="demo"></p>

    See example here from the docs. Note that the fallback of || window.clipboardData is used for IE support.