Windows Forms ZedGraph control in WPF application. The data points are auto-generated and attached to the chart every N seconds. When new data point is added to the chart I shift (pan) chart one point to the left, so there is always no more than last 50 points visible in the viewport. Overall, it works pretty good, except for two things.
protected void CreateChart(ZedGraphControl control)
_rand = new Random();
var curve = control.GraphPane.AddJapaneseCandleStick("Demo", new StockPointList());
curve.Stick.IsAutoSize = true;
curve.Stick.Color = Color.Blue;
control.AutoScroll = true; // Always shift to the last data point when new data comes in
control.IsEnableHPan = true; // I assume this should allow me to move chart to the left using mouse
control.IsEnableVPan = true;
control.IsEnableHZoom = true;
control.IsEnableVZoom = true;
control.IsShowPointValues = true;
control.IsShowHScrollBar = false;
control.IsShowVScrollBar = false;
control.IsAutoScrollRange = true; // Always shift to the last data point when new data comes in
control.IsZoomOnMouseCenter = false;
control.GraphPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.DateAsOrdinal;
var aTimer = new Timer();
aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTime);
aTimer.Interval = 100;
aTimer.Enabled = true;
protected XDate _xDate = new XDate(2006, 2, 1);
protected double _open = 50.0;
protected Random _rand = new Random();
// Auto generate data points
protected void OnTime(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
var control = FormCharts;
var x = _xDate.XLDate;
var close = _open + _rand.NextDouble() * 10.0 - 5.0;
var hi = Math.Max(_open, close) + _rand.NextDouble() * 5.0;
var low = Math.Min(_open, close) - _rand.NextDouble() * 5.0;
var pt = new StockPt(x, hi, low, _open, close, 100000);
_open = close;
if (XDate.XLDateToDayOfWeek(_xDate.XLDate) == 6)
(control.GraphPane.CurveList[0].Points as StockPointList).Add(pt);
control.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = control.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max - 50; // Hide all points except last 50, after mouse zooming this line stops working
//control.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = control.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max + 1;
Kind of solved it.
First issue with broken auto-scroll after zooming
It happens because zooming sets these parameters to FALSE.
area.XAxis.Scale.MinAuto = false;
area.XAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = false;
To fix it, either set it back to TRUE every time new data point comes. Another way to fix it, is to keep them always as FALSE and move chart manually
protected void MoveChart(GraphPane pane, int pointsToMove, int pointsToShow)
pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = pane.XAxis.Scale.Max - pointsToMove;
pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = pane.XAxis.Scale.Max - Math.Abs(pointsToShow);
// Example : shift one point to the left and show only 50 last points
MoveChart(control.MasterPane.PaneList["Quotes"], -1, 50);
Second issue, implementing custom panning without scrollbar using mouse events.
protected int _mouseX = -1;
protected int _mouseY = -1;
control.MouseUpEvent += OnMouseUp;
control.MouseDownEvent += OnMouseDown;
control.MouseMoveEvent += OnMouseMove;
// Example : remember X and Y on mouse down and move chart until mouse up event
protected bool OnMouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
_mouseX = -1; // unset X on mouse up
_mouseY = -1;
return true;
protected bool OnMouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
_mouseX = e.X; // remember last X on mouse down
_mouseY = e.Y;
return true;
protected bool OnMouseMove(ZedGraphControl sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
if (_mouseX >= 0) // if X was saved after mouse down
foreach (var pane in sender.MasterPane.PaneList) // move synced chart panels
MoveChart(pane, _mouseX > e.X ? -1 : 1, 50); // if mouse move is increasing X, move chart to the right, and vice versa
_mouseX = e.X; // update X to new position
_mouseY = e.Y;
return true;