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Postgresql trigger function that checks if data that's been updated in a single column is equal to something

I have a single table A with 3 columns id, name, price. I'm trying to create a trigger in postgres that fires when the value under price is updated/set to 0. If the value is 0, then the entire row is deleted.

I'm a complete beginner in postgresql but I desperately need this for my node.js project. Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • This is fairly straightforward.

    The first step is to create the trigger logic. This example deletes the row from a if price = 0. The id = restricts this deletion to the row that just changed.

    create or replace function zero_price_delete() 
    returns trigger language plpgsql 
    as $$
      delete from a where price = 0 and id =; 
      return new;
    end; $$;

    Then assign this as an after trigger on A following insert or update operations.

    create trigger zero_delete 
     after update or insert on a 
     for each row 
     execute procedure zero_price_delete();