I have a single table A
with 3 columns id
, name
, price
I'm trying to create a trigger in postgres that fires when the value under price
is updated/set to 0.
If the value is 0, then the entire row is deleted.
I'm a complete beginner in postgresql but I desperately need this for my node.js project. Any help is greatly appreciated!
This is fairly straightforward.
The first step is to create the trigger logic. This example deletes the row from a
if price = 0
. The id = NEW.id
restricts this deletion to the row that just changed.
create or replace function zero_price_delete()
returns trigger language plpgsql
as $$
delete from a where price = 0 and id = NEW.id;
return new;
end; $$;
Then assign this as an after
trigger on A
following insert
or update
create trigger zero_delete
after update or insert on a
for each row
execute procedure zero_price_delete();