I am trying to manipulate the column value based on the row names, any help will be appreciated.
mtcars$gear1 <- factor(mtcars$gear, levels = c(3,4,5))
my.mean <- function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) mean(x) else prop.table(table(x))
B <- setNames(as.data.frame(unlist(lapply(mtcars, FUN = my.mean))), "mean")
put.per <- c("gear1.3", "gear1.4", "gear1.5")
if(x %in% put.per) paste(B$mean, "%", sep = "")
Expected Answer
mpg 20.090625
cyl 6.187500
disp 230.721875
hp 146.687500
drat 3.596563
wt 3.217250
qsec 17.848750
vs 0.437500
am 0.406250
gear 3.687500
carb 2.812500
gear1.3 0.468750%
gear1.4 0.375000%
gear1.5 0.156250%
many thanks in advance
You'll not need sapply
or any other kind of loop here. You can find the row index where put.per
values are present and change them with paste0
inds <- rownames(B) %in% put.per
B$mean[inds] <- paste0(B$mean[inds], "%")
# mean
#mpg 20.090625
#cyl 6.1875
#disp 230.721875
#hp 146.6875
#drat 3.5965625
#wt 3.21725
#qsec 17.84875
#vs 0.4375
#am 0.40625
#gear 3.6875
#carb 2.8125
#gear1.3 0.46875%
#gear1.4 0.375%
#gear1.5 0.15625%
However, note that a column can have data of only one type so here all the values would turn to character since we are adding %