I'm trying to make a template which deduces a type associated with one template parameter, while treating other types in a non-deduced context. A minimal example is provided below. I can do what I'm looking for using two deduction contexts, but can it be done in one? I thought I'd try using something like type_identity
, but I'm not having any luck.
Live example: https://onlinegdb.com/By0iDOM-P
template<size_t... Idx, size_t s>
void foo(index_sequence<Idx..., s>) {
cout << s << endl;
template<typename T>
struct TypeIdentity {
using Type = T;
template<typename T>
using Identity = typename TypeIdentity<T>::Type;
template<typename... Idx, size_t s>
void bar(index_sequence<Identity<Idx>{}..., s>) {
cout << s << endl;
template<size_t s>
void baz(index_sequence<0, s>) {
cout << s << endl;
template<size_t... Idx>
struct Qux {
template<size_t s>
static void qux(index_sequence<Idx..., s>) {
cout << s << endl;
int main()
foo<0>(make_index_sequence<2>{}); // couldn't deduce template parameter ‘s’
bar<integral_constant<size_t, 0>>(make_index_sequence<2>{}); // couldn't deduce template parameter ‘s’
Qux<0>::template qux(make_index_sequence<2>{});
return 0;
No. The problem is that Idx...
pack is too greedy to leave anything for s
. You can use s, Idx...
to get the first value, but you can't use Idx..., s
to get the last one. TypeIdentity
won't help you to do that and you need some other tricks.
For example, unpacking into an array (C++14):
template<std::size_t first, std::size_t... rest>
void foo(std::index_sequence<first, rest...>) {
const std::size_t indices[]{first, rest...};
const std::size_t last = indices[sizeof...(rest)];
std::cout << last << std::endl;
or using a fold expression with a comma operator (C++17):
template<std::size_t first, std::size_t... rest>
void foo(index_sequence<first, rest...>) {
const std::size_t last = (first, ..., rest);
std::cout << last << std::endl;
I isolated first
to make sure that the whole pack first, rest...
is never empty.