I am making a react native application using expo and am using react-native-gifted-chat
for a chat like feature (https://github.com/FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-chat). In this feature, I only want certain users to be able to send a message. The users who cant should only be able to view the messages that have been sent.
In order to implement this, I need a way to hide the keyboard/text input for the users who are not authorized to send a message. I was reading through the documentation and am unsure of how to do this. Is there a way to hide the keyboard/text input and only load the messages?
Not sure if this is relevant but my code for the gifted chat is as follows:
placeholder="Send your thoughts?"
onSend={(messages) => this.sendMessage(messages)}
...user details
Just pass null
for the prop renderInputToolbar
renderInputToolbar={() => { return null }}