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How to add (or annotate) value labels (or frequencies) on a matplotlib "histogram" chart

I want to add frequency labels to the histogram generated using plt.hist.

Here is the data :

d = np.random.randint(1, 101, size = 25)

I looked up other questions on stackoverflow like : Adding value labels on a matplotlib bar chart and their answers, but apparantly, the objects returnded by plt.plot(kind='bar') are different than than those returned by plt.hist, and I got errors while using the 'get_height' or 'get width' functions, as suggested in some of the answers for bar plot.

Similarly, couldn't find the solution by going through the matplotlib documentation on histograms. got this error


  • Here is how I managed it. If anyone has some suggestions to improve my answer, (specifically the for loop and using n=0, n=n+1, I think there must be a better way to write the for loop without having to use n in this manner), I'd welcome it.

    # import base packages
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # generate data
    d = np.random.randint(1, 101, size = 25)

    enter image description here

    # generate histogram
    # a histogram returns 3 objects : n (i.e. frequncies), bins, patches
    freq, bins, patches = plt.hist(d, edgecolor='white', label='d', bins=range(1,101,10))
    # x coordinate for labels
    bin_centers = np.diff(bins)*0.5 + bins[:-1]
    n = 0
    for fr, x, patch in zip(freq, bin_centers, patches):
      height = int(freq[n])
                   xy = (x, height),             # top left corner of the histogram bar
                   xytext = (0,0.2),             # offsetting label position above its bar
                   textcoords = "offset points", # Offset (in points) from the *xy* value
                   ha = 'center', va = 'bottom'
      n = n+1

    enter image description here