id id_2 salary title allowance name
0420 13.28 100000 director No Tom
0420 13.28 70000 developer Yes Sam
0110 13.12 120000 director No Dave
0110 13.12 75000 developer Yes shaun
Groupby id and id_2 and convert the rest of columns to dict with column header
I wrote a loop for this, I think don't think it is python way, Please let me know how to do it with pandas.
Required output:
"id": 420,
"id_2": 13.28,
{ "salary": 100000,
"name": "Tom"
{ "salary": 70000,
"title": "developer",
"name": "Sam"
"id": 110,
"id_2": 13.12,
{ "salary": 120000,
"name": "Dave"
{ "salary": 75000,
"title": "developer",
"name": "shaun"
of dicts
in the shape you're requesting..groupby
to select the groups
is the tuple
that represents the values used to groupbyd
is the dataframe for the groupby value, g
to iterate through the rows of each group
represented by the first _
, because it's not neededdata
, from which the labels in groupby_list
are dropped, then convert the remainder to a dict
using .to_dict()
, and append it to the list
, att_list
as the value to group['attributes']
, group
, to dict_list
can be converted back to a dataframe with the following:
df = pd.json_normalize(dict_list, 'attributes', meta=groupby_list)
dict_list = list()
groupby_list = ['id', 'id_2']
for g, d in df.groupby(groupby_list):
group = dict(zip(groupby_list, g))
att_list = list()
for _, data in d.iterrows():
data = data.drop(labels=groupby_list)
group['attributes'] = att_list
:[{'attributes': [{'allowance': 'No',
'name': 'Dave',
'salary': 120000,
'title': 'director'},
{'allowance': 'Yes',
'name': 'shaun',
'salary': 75000,
'title': 'developer'}],
'id': 110,
'id_2': 13.12},
{'attributes': [{'allowance': 'No',
'name': 'Tom',
'salary': 100000,
'title': 'director'},
{'allowance': 'Yes',
'name': 'Sam',
'salary': 70000,
'title': 'developer'}],
'id': 420,
'id_2': 13.28}]