I'm trying to use a library from GitHub in my Android Studio Project (specifically, the Universal Image Loader https://github.com/nostra13/Android-Universal-Image-Loader).
My project has been crashing, due to an error with a variable called mMaxHeight, in a file called ImageViewAware.java
On the GitHub page, I see that this issue was 4 fixed months ago:
When I view the code in ImageViewAware.java on GitHub, I see that the issue is fixed.
However when I look at the version of ImageViewAware.java being used in my Android Studio, I see it's an older version, with the issue not fixed.
I've added
implementation 'com.nostra13.universalimageloader:universal-image-loader:1.9.5'
to my Gradle Dependency, as the documentation says, and have followed all other instructions I can see.
I notice that the last update to those instructions was over a year ago. Should I be implementing a newer version than 1.9.5? Is there another reason why the version in my Android Studio isn't getting the latest GitHub version?
I'm pretty new to this and feeling a bit out of my depth. Thanks for any help!
You are correctly using the latest published version of the library, v1.9.5.
However, there have been 23 unreleased commits to that library since then, as shown on the GitHub tags page:
To get the latest version of the code, you'll need to:
This process is pretty straightforward, you may also be interested in this list of every difference between v1.9.5 and master.
However, I'd recommend against using this library if possible, given that it hasn't had a release / major update in 4.5 years! In the readme the author states he has stopped maintaining it. It also has over 400 open issues, despite the popularity.
More modern libraries like Picasso and Glide are much more widely supported, feature rich, and reliable.