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How do I display grouped results in an EmberJS Application

I've created a simple EmberJS application that lists jobs from a headless CMS. The jobs data from the backend is in this format

      "id": "1234",
      "description": "Test description"
      "category": "Human Resources"
      "id": "4321",
      "description": "Test description"
      "category": "Human Resources"
      "id": "5678",
      "description": "Test description"
      "category": "Information Technology"

My app displays the results in the order that they're returned as expected but I'd like to group the results by category so that the results are displayed like this:

Human Resources

  • 1234
  • 4321

Information Technology

  • 5678

Thanks in advance for any help.

Note: I'm using EmberJS version 3.19


My current model is just the job model

import Model, { attr } from "@ember-data/model";

export default class JobModel extends Model {
  @attr Title;
  @attr Description;
  @attr Type;
  @attr Slug;
  @attr category;
  @attr job_type;
  @attr region;
  @attr company;
  @attr createdAt;

I load the data using ember-data in my index route (home page) like this

export default class IndexRoute extends Route {
  @service store;
  async model() {

With that setup, I can iterate through the jobs and display them in a list on my home page like this:

{{#each @model as |job|}}
        <Job @job={{job}} />

Not sure if it is possible but I want to be able to display each category and the jobs included in that category with a structure like the below pseudocode:

{{#each category}}
  {{#each job-in-category}}
        <Job @job={{job}} />


  • Basically you could either add the logic to your routes model hook or create a Controller and use a getter.

    In the route you could do

      async model() {
        const jobs = await"job");
        return jobs.reduce((groups, job) => {
          if(!groups.has(job.category)) {
            groups.set(job.category, []);
          return groups;
        }, new Map());

    and use it in your template:

    {{#each-in @model as |category jobs|}}
      {{#each jobs as |job|}}
        <Job @job={{job}} />

    you could produce the same structure in a getter on the controller or use a dedicated component for it. Also maybe you want to create a dedicated ember-data model for your category and use a relationship.