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How to run EXE in powershell with parameters, in one line

I need to run a .exe with parameters, currently this takes two lines. I would like to be able to pass a string as a variable to a function, and only need to do this once.

This is how I am currently doing it, which takes two variables:

function Foo{
    $ExeToStart = "C:\Program Files\x\program.exe" 

    Start-Process $ExeToStart -ArgumentList "--arg1","--arg2"

Is there a way of combining this so that I can just define a variable, "y" and pass it into the function as one line similar to below?

$x = "C:\Program Files\x\program.exe -ArgumentList "--arg1","--arg2""

function Foo{
     Start-Process $x


  • Here is a way you can achieve what you want.

    # Create an array of the program and arguments
    $x = 'C:\Program Files\x\program.exe','--arg1','--arg2'
    # Example with no parameters
    Function Foo {
        Start-Process -FilePath $args[0][0] -ArgumentList $args[0][1..$args[0].Count]
    # Example using parmeters
    Function Foo {
        $params = @{
            FilePath = $program[0]
        if ($program.Count -gt 1) {
            $params['ArgumentList'] = $program[1..$program.Count]
        Start-Process @Params
    # Call the function 
    Foo $x