I am trying run a nodejs application. In order to do that I need to setup replica mongodb. I couldn't understand what should I do where. I need step by step explanation like my IQ is around room tempratures.
So this is the ENV variable for DB
I am running this command and starting a replica mongodb
mongod --port 27021 --dbpath "/data" --replSet rs0
And this is the error message that I get
-> no primary found in replicaset or invalid replica set name
I have ip's of 2 mongo db's running
62.210.**.** mongo1
212.129.**.** mongo2
You just need to restart your Mongo (killall mongod
and then start)
with the following:
mongod --replSet "rs0" --bind_ip localhost,hostname|62.210.**.**,hostname1|62.210.**.**
Alternatively, you can also specify the replica set name and the IP addresses in a configuration file:
replSetName: "rs0"
bindIp: localhost,<hostname(s)|ip address(es)>
To start mongod
with a configuration file, specify the configuration file’s path with the --config
mongod --config <path-to-config>