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Creating BoolTensor Mask in torch C++

I am trying to create a mask for torch in C++ of type BoolTensor. The first n elements in dimension one need to be False and the rest need to be True.

This is my attempt but I do not know if this is correct (size is the number of elements):

src_mask = torch::BoolTensor({6, 1});
src_mask[:size,:] = 0;
src_mask[size:,:] = 1;


  • I'm not sure to understand exactly your goal here, so here is my best attempt to convert into C++ you pseudo-code .

    First, with libtorch you declare the type of your tensor through the torch::TensorOptions struct (types names are prefixed with a lowercase k)

    Second, your python-like slicing is possible thanks to the torch::Tensor::slicefunction (see here and there).

    Finally, that gives you something like :

    // Creates a tensor of boolean, initially all ones
    auto options = torch::TensorOptions().dtype(torch::kBool));
    torch::Tensor bool_tensor = torch::ones({6,1}, options);
    // Set the slice to 0
    int size = 3;
    bool_tensor.slice(/*dim=*/0, /*start=*/0, /*end=*/size) = 0;
    std::cout << bool_tensor << std::endl;

    Please not that this will set the first size rows to 0. I assumed that's what you meant by "first elements in dimension x".