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2D Grid Fitting: detecting holes in a 2d grid

I have a list of 2d coordinates (by row) mapped to a grid. However there could be some missing nodes in there. I'm trying to detect and compute an estimated position for the missing nodes.

In the example below, the last nodes in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows are missing. See red arrows.

I'm looking for a numpy-friendly solution, if possible. I looked at other potential ways and RectBivariateSpline (scipy.interpolate) but they won't work since my grid may be tilted.

nodes = [[(194, 146), (311, 146), (427, 146), (545, 146), (662, 146), (780, 146), (904, 146), (1014, 146), (1130, 146), (1248, 146), (1365, 146), (1483, 146), (1602, 146), (1719, 146), (1842, 146)],
             [(159, 196), (278, 196), (401, 196), (524, 196), (643, 197), (766, 197), (887, 196), (1011, 196), (1135, 196), (1258, 196), (1381, 197), (1503, 196), (1624, 196), (1750, 196)], 
             [(117, 251), (242, 251), (370, 251), (496, 251), (627, 251), (752, 251), (880, 251), (1010, 251), (1137, 251), (1266, 251), (1395, 251), (1522, 251), (1653, 252), (1780, 251)], 
             [(73, 311), (203, 311), (336, 311), (473, 311), (604, 311), (735, 312), (872, 312), (1006, 312), (1141, 312), (1277, 312), (1412, 312), (1549, 312), (1681, 312), (1824, 312)], 
             [(163, 377), (299, 378), (442, 378), (580, 378), (719, 378), (864, 378), (1005, 378), (1147, 378), (1289, 378), (1433, 379), (1571, 378), (1716, 379), (1856, 379), (1998, 378)], 
             [(110, 451), (260, 451), (408, 451), (554, 451), (702, 452), (853, 452), (1001, 452), (1151, 452), (1301, 452), (1453, 452), (1600, 452), (1751, 452), (1899, 453), (2052, 453)], 
             [(59, 532), (212, 534), (372, 533), (529, 533), (684, 534), (843, 534), (998, 534), (1158, 534), (1314, 535), (1474, 535), (1631, 535), (1793, 535), (1949, 535)], 
             [(163, 624), (329, 624), (496, 625), (663, 625), (830, 626), (996, 626), (1163, 627), (1334, 627), (1496, 627), (1667, 627), (1834, 627), (2002, 627)], 
             [(115, 728), (284, 728), (459, 729), (639, 729), (814, 730), (992, 730), (1174, 731), (1347, 730), (1528, 731), (1707, 731), (1883, 731)], 
             [(40, 846), (233, 846), (422, 846), (611, 848), (799, 848), (992, 848), (1183, 849), (1369, 849), (1559, 849), (1752, 850), (1942, 851)], 
             [(172, 982), (372, 982), (580, 982), (782, 984), (983, 984), (1186, 984), (1394, 985), (1598, 986), (1803, 987), (2013, 989)], 
             [(98, 1141), (323, 1140), (540, 1141), (759, 1141), (978, 1142), (1203, 1142), (1419, 1144), (1641, 1144), (1865, 1147)]]

enter image description here enter image description here


  • I ended up doing it "the iterative way". Here's the pseudo-code:

    • identify the most vertical line
    • find the upper node closest to that line. centerline_x is the starting search criteria
    • list all nodes that are vertically aligned with centerline_x
    • move to the left. line_offset -= 1
    • compute the mean horizontal distance for each line and search within that offset
    • stop when no node fills the criteria, repeat for the right hand-side.
    • if less than 3 points are found, discard the vertical line

    Here's the code:

    def bin_vertical_grid_nodes(grid_nodes, image_width, centerline_x):
        # return the list of vertical nodes     
        vertically_aligned_nodes = list()
        # go from center to the left hand-side 
        vnodes_left = find_vlines_from_offset(grid_nodes, image_width, centerline_x, 0, -1)  # -1 is "go to the left"
        # go from center+1 to the right hand-side 
        vnodes_right = self.find_vlines_from_offset(grid_nodes, image_width, centerline_x, 1, +1)  # +1 is "go to the right"
        # store the nodes from left to right
        vertically_aligned_nodes = [vline for vline in reversed(vnodes_left)]
        return vertically_aligned_nodes
    def find_vlines_from_offset(grid_nodes, image_width, centerline_x, offset_x_start, direction):
        # bin all the vertical lines from a given offset from the center vertical line
        vertically_aligned_nodes = list()
        # select the upper node that is the closest to the centerline_x
        upper_nodes_x = numpy.asarray(grid_nodes[0])[:, 0]
        closest_point_idx = (numpy.abs(upper_nodes_x - centerline_x)).argmin()
        centerline_x = upper_nodes_x[closest_point_idx]
        line_offset_x = offset_x_start
        while True:
            lines_pos = list()  # list of nodes aligned with found_x
            # go through each horizontal line and find the node that is the closest to found_x
            for row in grid_nodes:
                closest_pt = self.get_closest_node_from(row, centerline_x, line_offset_x, image_width)
                if closest_pt is not None:  
                    lines_pos.append(closest_pt)  # keep point that belongs to this vertical line    
            # nothing else to add
            if len(lines_pos) == 0:
            # store the nodes and shift to the adjacent vertical line
            if len(lines_pos) >= 3:
            line_offset_x += direction  # go left or right
        return vertically_aligned_nodes
    def get_closest_node_from(list_horiz_nodes, centerline_x, line_offset_x, image_width, leeway=0.5):
        # return the node that is closest to posx, given the leeway
        row = numpy.asarray(list_horiz_nodes)
        row_x = row[:, 0]  # x coordinates of row
        # compute the mean distance between each nodes in this line
        nodes_distance = numpy.ediff1d(row_x)  # compute pair-wise distance between nodes
        median_spacing = int(round(numpy.median(nodes_distance)))  # get the median distance
        posx = centerline_x + (line_offset_x * median_spacing)  
        if posx < 0 or posx >= image_width:
            return None
        # get the point closest from posx
        closest_point_idx = (numpy.abs(row_x - posx)).argmin()
        distance_from_pt = abs(row[closest_point_idx][0] - posx)
        if distance_from_pt > median_spacing * leeway:      
            return None  # this point was too far
        return list_horiz_nodes[closest_point_idx]

    Here are some results: enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here