I know others have asked this question but I want to understand what it means.I am still learning git.
I was on the branch sample-tests
I did the following :
git checkout master
- I switched to master branch
git pull
- I did this to pull all the remote code to my local, so that I have a updated local code.
and I see this:
` On branch master Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, and have 2 and 40 different commits each, respectively. (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
All conflicts fixed but you are still merging. (use "git commit" to conclude merge)
Changes to be committed:
modified: .eslintrc.js
modified: README.md
modified: cypress.json
modified: cypress/integration/SaveFormTest.js
new file: cypress/integration/SaveFormTest_orig.js
modified: cypress/support/commands.js
new file: cypress_old.json
new file: cypress_original.json
modified: jest.config.js
modified: package.json
modified: src/App.tsx
modified: src/api/requests.js
modified: src/components/AddressInput/AddressInput.tsx
modified: src/components/AddressInput/constants.ts
modified: src/components/FileUpload/FileUpload.styles.tsx
modified: src/components/FileUpload/FileUpload.tsx
modified: src/components/FileUpload/FileUpload.types.ts
modified: src/components/FileUpload/constants.ts
new file: src/components/FileUpload/utility.ts
modified: src/components/FileUploadTile/FileUploadTile.js
modified: src/components/FileUploadTile/UploadButton/UploadButton.js
modified: src/components/FormFieldsGenerator/FormFieldsGenerator.styles.tsx
modified: src/components/FormFieldsGenerator/FormFieldsGenerator.tsx
modified: src/components/FormFieldsGenerator/FormFieldsGenerator.types.ts
modified: src/components/FormFieldsGenerator/constants.ts
modified: src/components/FormFieldsGenerator/utility.ts
modified: src/components/FormPageTemplate/FormPageTemplate.tsx
modified: src/components/FormPageTemplate/FormPageTemplate.types.ts
modified: src/components/FormPageTemplate/FormPageTemplate.validation.ts
new file: src/components/FormQuestionDialogue/helpers.ts
new file: src/components/InputFormatted/InputCurrency.tsx
new file: src/components/InputFormatted/InputFormatted.styles.tsx
new file: src/components/InputFormatted/InputFormatted.tsx
new file: src/components/InputFormatted/InputFormatted.types.ts
new file: src/components/InputFormatted/index.ts
new file: src/components/ResourceDropdown/ResourceDropdown.styles.tsx
new file: src/components/ResourceDropdown/ResourceDropdown.tsx
new file: src/components/ResourceDropdown/ResourceDropdown.types.ts
new file: src/components/ResourceDropdown/index.ts
modified: src/components/Table/Table.styles.tsx
modified: src/components/Table/Table.tsx
modified: src/components/Table/Table.types.ts
modified: src/components/TopPanel/TopPanel.js
deleted: src/components/TopPanel/TopPanel.test.js
modified: src/config/messages/en.js
modified: src/constants/constants.js
modified: src/constants/propTypes.ts
new file: src/containers/AgentResources/AgentResources.styles.tsx
new file: src/containers/AgentResources/AgentResources.tsx
new file: src/containers/AgentResources/index.ts
modified: src/containers/UserWidget/UserWidget.js
deleted: src/containers/UserWidget/UserWidget.test.js
modified: src/graphql/client.ts
deleted: src/graphql/errorLink.ts
deleted: src/graphql/httpLink.ts
new file: src/gra
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: cypress.json
modified: cypress/support/commands.js`
What does this mean: On branch master Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, and have 2 and 40 different commits each, respectively.
Obviously I am on the local master branch. Does it mean that my local master branch is not the same as the remote master branch?
Should I do:
git add .
git commit -m "message".
to resolve this?
Also should I be doing this on the current master branch I am on?
I resolved the conflicts, staged and tried committing. However I think the commit didnt go through, I think because I am getting the following error. Is the error in cypress.json?What is the error that prettier --write found?
` renukaalurkar$ git commit -m "resolving errors"
husky > pre-commit (node v12.14.1)
↓ Stashing changes... [skipped]
→ No partially staged files found...
❯ Running tasks...
❯ Running tasks for *.{js,json,css,md}
✖ prettier --write
git add
✖ prettier --write found some errors. Please fix them and try
committing again.
.eslintrc.js 48ms
README.md 89ms
cypress.json 8ms
cypress/integration/SaveFormTest.js 58ms
cypress/integration/SaveFormTest_orig.js 23ms
cypress/support/commands.js 20ms
cypress_original.json 5ms
jest.config.js 7ms
src/api/requests.js 28ms
src/components/FileUploadTile/FileUploadTile.js 22ms
src/components/FileUploadTile/UploadButton/UploadButton.js 15ms
src/components/TopPanel/TopPanel.js 37ms
src/config/messages/en.js 11ms
src/constants/constants.js 14ms
src/store/user/reducers.test.js 20ms
[error] cypress_old.json: SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:7)
[error] > 1 | b0VIM 8.1��B^.�rrenukaalurkarRenukas-
[error] | ^
[error] 2 | U3210#"! Utpada������w\E$������} "defau}}
"defaultCommandTimeout": 100000 },
"test_admin_pass":${TEST_ADMIN_PASS} "test_admin":${TEST_ADMIN},
"test_tc_pass":${TEST_TC_PASS}, "test_tc":${TEST_TC},
"test_pass":${TEST_PASS}, "test_user":${TEST_USER},
"password":${PASSWORD}, "user_name", "host":"https://app.kw-
offers.master.kw-offers-dev.com/", "env":{{
husky > pre-commit hook failed (add --no-verify to bypass)
Renukas-MacBook-Pro:KW-Offers-FE renukaalurkar$ git pull
error: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).
hint: Please, commit your changes before merging.
fatal: Exiting because of unfinished merge.
Renukas-MacBook-Pro:KW-Offers-FE renukaalurkar$
Seems like you have 2 local commits and 40 on remote branch. Git tried to resolve the differences, but it failed, so uou hav conflicts in some files now.
I would check these two files:
Fix any problems you find there and then stage them. After that git commit