I just started programming in c# and I don't know how to import a library.
I need "globalmousekeyhook"
in my program.
Can someone can help me? Thank you! ^^
Link to the library: https://github.com/gmamaladze/globalmousekeyhook
It's really simple. In Visual Studio, go to Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Console
. Once it has loaded, copy in the command that is on the GitHub page - nuget install MouseKeyHook2
Once it says it is installed, you can start using it immediately. You will most likely get an error saying it doesn't exist in the current context when you write some code using the library, but you can hover over the help IntelliSense gives you, and it should give you the option to use the library.
If you need more help on using NuGet, check this out