I am having difficulty mapping specific colors to the values of my stacked bar chart such that they are consistent across a wide array of charts built from the same dataset. For example, highcharter will assign the default colors (or color list that I give it) to my grouped categorical values, but when the chart is modified (say in Shiny) a new chart is generated but the colors may have changed. This is very confusing and potentially misleading to my audience.
Here is a sample dataset:
responses <- c('Pro','Against','Neutral','Resigned/Accepting','Not Specified')
constituents <- c('dual degree','law only','undergrad only','friend','parent only')
indiv <- rep(1:50)
Name.Change <- sample(responses,50,replace = TRUE)
constituent.type <- sample(constituents,50,replace = TRUE)
demo <- as.data.frame(cbind(indiv,Name.Change,constituent.type))
I factorize my stacked variable because that seems to determine the order of the stack consistently. Then I assign colors to the values of 'Name.Change' so that they will remain consistent across a wide range of charts.
demo$Name.Change.fac <- factor(demo$Name.Change, levels = c("Pro","Resigned/Accepting","Neutral","Against","Not Specified"), ordered = TRUE)
demo <- demo %>%
name.change.color = plyr::mapvalues(
from = c(
"Not Specified"
to = c("#1395BA","#F16C20","#0D3C55","#EBC844","#A2B86C")
Here is my best attempt with HighCharter:
demo %>% ## these colors don't match
group_by(constituent.type,Name.Change.fac,name.change.color) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
hchart(type = "bar",
hcaes(y = count,
x = constituent.type,
group = Name.Change.fac,
color = name.change.color),
color = unique(demo$name.change.color)) %>%
hc_plotOptions(bar = list(stacking = "percent")) %>%
hc_tooltip(shared = TRUE)
As you can see, the colors in the labels do not correspond to the (correctly assigned) colors in the stacked chart. If I remove color=name.change.color
within hcaes()
, the colors match between the bars and labels, but the colors are not as I assigned them and may change from chart to chart. I explored ways to manually recreate the legend, but I could not then have the reactive clicking functionality that allows me to toggle the visible bars in my chart.
Here are my libraries:
Try if
color = levels(demo$name.change.color)
instead of
color = unique(demo$name.change.color)
gives you the correct order.
If you use unique or drop factor levels somewhere in your code things can get out of line.
Alternatively, you could simplify things a bit like this:
require, character.only=TRUE)))
responses <- c('Pro','Against','Neutral','Resigned/Accepting','Not Specified')
constituents <- c('dual degree','law only','undergrad only','friend','parent only')
indiv <- rep(1:50)
Name.Change <- factor(sample(responses, 50, replace = TRUE),
levels = responses, ordered = TRUE)
constituent.type <- sample(constituents, 50, replace = TRUE)
demo <- tibble(indiv, Name.Change, constituent.type)
name.change.color <- setNames(
demo %>%
group_by(constituent.type, Name.Change) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
hchart(type = "bar",
hcaes(y = count,
x = constituent.type,
group = Name.Change),
color = name.change.color
) %>%
hc_plotOptions(bar = list(stacking = "percent")) %>%
hc_tooltip(shared = TRUE)
#> `summarise()` regrouping output by 'constituent.type' (override with `.groups` argument)
Created on 2020-07-31 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)