This question relates to automation testing in chrome using Rubymine, Watir and Selenium. How do we disable this from popping up in Chrome
These are our current options for chromedriver
options =
options: {"excludeSwitches" => ["enable-automation", "load-extension"]},
args: ["ignore-certificate-errors", "disable-infobars"]
options.add_preference(:credentials_enable_service, false)
options.add_preference(:password_manager_enabled, false)
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, options: options
Using Preferences
You are setting the preferences correctly. The problem is that you're running into a bug in Selenium-WebDriver -
Until the fix is released, you'll need to use Strings for the preferences instead of Symbols:
options.add_preference("credentials_enable_service", false)
options.add_preference("password_manager_enabled", false)
Note that you don not need to create the Selenium Options directly. You can let Watir do this for you:
browser =
options: {
options: {"excludeSwitches" => ["enable-automation", "load-extension"]},
args: ["ignore-certificate-errors", "disable-infobars", '--disable-features=RendererCodeIntegrity'],
prefs: {"credentials_enable_service" => false, "password_manager_enabled" => false}
Using Incognito
Alternatively, instead of setting preferences, you could use incognito mode:
options =
options: {"excludeSwitches" => ["enable-automation", "load-extension"]},
args: ["incognito", "ignore-certificate-errors", "disable-infobars"]