I am writing an online store using Spring Boot
(MVC) and Hiberbate
. The problem is that when I get a list of drinks, JSON gives me unnecessary information from the Page
interface. I don't know how you can create an DTO
for the interfaces
to get rid of these fields. What should I do in this situation. Can someone have a ready-made solution?
public Page<DrinkDTO> getAllDrinks(int page, int pageSize) {
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(page, pageSize, Sort.by("id"));
final Page<Drink> drinks = drinkRepository.findAll(pageRequest);
return drinkMapper.drinksToDrinksDTO(drinks);
public class CustomPage {
Long totalElements;
int totalPages;
int number;
int size;
public class PageDTO<T> {
List<T> content;
CustomPage customPage;
public PageDTO(Page<T> page) {
this.content = page.getContent();
this.customPage = new CustomPage(page.getTotalElements(),
page.getTotalPages(), page.getNumber(), page.getSize());
Service for example:
public PageDTO<DrinkDTO> getAllDrinks(int page, int pageSize) {
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(page, pageSize, Sort.by("id"));
final Page<Drink> drinks = drinkRepository.findAll(pageRequest);
return new PageDTO<DrinkDTO>(drinkMapper.drinksToDrinksDTO(drinks));