I would like to get a class or function, if possible written in VB.NET, to add it to my projects. This class or function should be able to receive a text and return it as Barcode 128 encoded text.
I found lot of solutions for generating the barcode images directly, but what I need it's only the part which converts a text to a Standard Code 128 encoded text, then I will show it using a Barcode font.
I also found some codes to do it, but the returned encoded text is not the expected one, because I cannot read it with the Barcode Reader, or sometimes appears a char which cannot be represented by the barcode font.
The encoder should be able to convert this:
Into this:
As this online converter can do it https://www.bcgen.com/fontencoder/ when you click on the button [Code 128]
I found what I wanted. I'm sharing here the code for those users who has the same problem.
I've translated from C# to VB a Class that I found in Internet (https://grandzebu.net/informatique/codbar-en/code128.htm)
It has an "Encode" function which receives the original text and returns the encoded text. It works perfect to be represented by the font Libre Barcode 128 (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Libre+Barcode+128+Text)
'Auteur: Joffrey VERDIER
'Date : 08/2006
'Légal: OpenSource © 2007 AVRANCHES
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Public Class BarCode128
Public Function Encode(chaine As String) As String
Dim ind As Integer = 1
Dim checksum As Integer = 0
Dim mini As Integer
Dim dummy As Integer
Dim tableB As Boolean
Dim code128 As String
Dim longueur As Integer
code128 = ""
longueur = chaine.Length
If longueur = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("\n chaine vide")
For ind = 0 To longueur - 1
If Asc(chaine(ind)) < 32 Or Asc(chaine(ind)) > 126 Then
Console.WriteLine("\n chaine invalide")
End If
End If
tableB = True
ind = 0
While ind < longueur
If tableB = True Then
If ind = 0 Or (ind + 3) = longueur - 1 Then
mini = 4
mini = 6
End If
mini = mini - 1
If (ind + mini) <= (longueur - 1) Then
While mini >= 0
If Asc(chaine(ind + mini)) < 48 Or Asc(chaine(ind + mini)) > 57 Then
Console.WriteLine("\n exit")
Exit While
End If
mini = mini - 1
End While
End If
If mini < 0 Then
If ind = 0 Then
code128 = Char.ToString(Chr(205))
code128 = code128 & Char.ToString(Chr(199))
End If
tableB = False
If ind = 0 Then
code128 = Char.ToString(Chr(204))
End If
End If
End If
If tableB = False Then
mini = 2
mini = mini - 1
If (ind + mini) < longueur Then
While mini >= 0
If Asc(chaine(ind + mini)) < 48 Or Asc(chaine(ind)) > 57 Then
Exit While
End If
mini = mini - 1
End While
End If
If mini < 0 Then
dummy = Int32.Parse(chaine.Substring(ind, 2))
Console.WriteLine("\n dummy ici : " & dummy)
If dummy < 95 Then
dummy = dummy + 32
dummy = dummy + 100
End If
code128 = code128 & Chr(dummy)
ind = ind + 2
code128 = code128 & Char.ToString(Chr(200))
tableB = True
End If
End If
If tableB = True Then
code128 = code128 & chaine(ind)
ind = ind + 1
End If
End While
For ind = 0 To code128.Length - 1
dummy = Asc(code128(ind))
Console.WriteLine("\n et voila dummy : " & dummy)
If dummy < 127 Then
dummy = dummy - 32
dummy = dummy - 100
End If
If ind = 0 Then
checksum = dummy
End If
checksum = (checksum + (ind) * dummy) Mod 103
If checksum < 95 Then
checksum = checksum + 32
checksum = checksum + 100
End If
code128 = code128 & Char.ToString(Chr(checksum)) & Char.ToString(Chr(206))
Return code128
End Function
End Class