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PHP: how to create SWF (Ming or another solution)?

I wish to create SWF (Flash) files with PHP but what is the best option for that nowadays? When I use Google I find all kinds of old pages about this subject, but not much is happening in this field lately, it seems....

Ming is no longer part of PHP 5.3, and I can't figure out how to install it with PECL. ('pecl install ming' doesn't work... but neither does any pecl package I try, so I guess I do it all wrong...)

On it says the package has been superseded. My broken english tells me that means another package is now a better solution? But which package then?

Is anybody actually using PHP to create SWF's or is this a bad idea anyway?


  • Depending on what what the final swf should contain there are a few options:

    • get libming running with your php installation
    • swfmill - if you need fonts or simple images embedded into a swf (xml -> swf)
    • mxmlc - official free compiler from Adobe, takes ActionScript3 or Flex Input if you need more complex stuff (as3 / mxml -> swf)
    • Haxe - similar approach as mxmlc, uses Haxe instead of ActionScript, very fast (hx -> swf)
    • Sam Haxe - similar to swfmill, written in Haxe (xml -> swf)