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Unreal Engine 4 problems with intelliSence

I am new to unreal Engine 4, and I am trying to create c++ class. It creates files sucsessfully, but InteliSence does not work, even if I type in, there is not int suggestion. All i found was this question, but I do not have similar patch in my Engine folder. I use the lastest eigne version.


  • Assuming you are using Visual Studio and not Visual Studio Code: When I create a new class from within the Unreal Editor, IntelliSense won't properly read the code and will generate errors such as not finding include files.

    Either reopening Visual Studio, or a refresh from within the Unreal Editor ( Files > Refresh Visual Studio Project ) usually does the trick.

    If that will not help, there's an error within Unreal 4.25 that will make the boilerplate code generate the wrong directory at #include "folder/myclass.h". IntelliSense might not read any further than that. Typing the correct directory and refreshing with the methods mentioned above fixes that for me.