Commented code does not work, uncommented code works. Why can I not specify which line objects should be included in the legend if the lines where plotted in a loop?
labels = {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'}
% for i = 1:7
% [~, I] = min( abs(A - B(i)) );
% h(i) = plot(T(:,I), Z, '-', 'Parent', ax1, 'color', colors(i,:));
% end
% legend( h, labels, 'Location', 'NorthEast');
[~, I] = min( abs(A - B(1)) );
h1 = plot(T(:,I), Z, '-', 'Parent', ax1, 'color', colors(1,:));
[~, I] = min( abs(A - B(2)) );
h2 = plot(T(:,I), Z, '-', 'Parent', ax1, 'color', colors(2,:));
[~, I] = min( abs(A - B(3)) );
h3 = plot(T(:,I), Z, '-', 'Parent', ax1, 'color', colors(3,:));
[~, I] = min( abs(A - B(4)) );
h4 = plot(T(:,I), Z, '-', 'Parent', ax1, 'color', colors(4,:));
[~, I] = min( abs(A - B(5)) );
h5 = plot(T, Z, '-', 'Parent', ax1, 'color', colors(5,:));
[~, I] = min( abs(A - B(6)) );
h6 = plot(T(:,I), Z, '-', 'Parent', ax1, 'color', colors(6,:));
[~, I] = min( abs(A - B(7)) );
h7 = plot(T(:,I), Z, '-', 'Parent', ax1, 'color', colors(7,:));
legend([h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7], labels, 'Location', 'NorthEast');
legend(target,___) uses the axes or chart(not the handles of line series) specified by target instead of the current axes or chart. Specify the target as the first input argument. You can find more detailed description here. So in your code:
should be
or simply
More generally, there are some solutions more readable& commonly used:
for i = 1:7
[~, I] = min( abs(A - B(i)) );
h(i) = plot(T(:,I), Z, '-', 'Parent', ax1, 'color', colors(i,:),'DisplayName',labels{i});end;legend on
labels = {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'}
x = 1:100;
axes(ax1) % specify which axes the next plot should use
for i = 1:7
hold on
hold off
legend(labels, 'Location', 'NorthEast');