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How to use export-CSV when your json file contains key-VALUES pairs instead of key-value pair?

I am using powershell to try and convert Json to csv. I have the bellow Json file that I would like to convert to CSV. But for some reason when I run my code bellow:

(Get-Content $pathToJsonFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json) | Select * | export-CSV $pathToOutputFile -NoTypeInformation 

I am getting this:

hosts                   ips
System.Object[]          System.Object[]

Here's how the json file looks like:

    "hosts": [
    "ips": [

I want the result to look like this

enter image description here

Please help. I have looked into this for the past couple of hours. I am not really good with powershell. How to do this?



  • Like this? I assume the first host goes with the first ip and so on.

    $a = cat file.json | convertfrom-json
    0..($a.hosts.count-1) | 
    foreach { [pscustomobject]@{hosts = $a.hosts[$_]; ips = $a.ips[$_]} } | 