Is there a way to specify a connection path to an SQLite database from R without re-setting my wd?
I've looked through the DBI::dbConnect()
and RSQLite::SQLite()
documentation, but it is still not clear to me how (or if) this can be accomplished. So far, the only solution I've come across is to setwd()
, but this is something I'd like to avoid if possible.
Instead I'd rather include a path, something like...
path_db <- "E:/"
# ... this still looks in my current wd... how to I get it to look on the E-drive?
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "dummy_data.db")
... but I can't figure out how I should get the path in there... most of the tutorials {1, 2} I've come across seem to assume the database is in the working directory.
You just need to specify the path in the db name:
path_db <- "E:"
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), file.path(path_db,'test.db'))
make sure that you have write access to E: to avoid :
Error : Could not connect to database:
unable to open database file