Using library(chron)
Here is the
df <- structure(list(Time = structure(c(0.376736111111111, 0.376666666666667,
0.376435185185185, 0.376354166666667, 0.376319444444444, 0.376284722222222,
0.376134259259259, 0.376122685185185, 0.376006944444444, 0.37587962962963
), format = "h:m:s", class = "times"), `am/pm` = c("am", "am",
"am", "am", "am", "pm", "pm", "pm", "pm", "pm")), row.names = c(NA,
10L), class = "data.frame")
I have a column for Time in Chron() "times" format (in 12 hr time) and an am/pm column.
I'd like to create a MilitaryTime column that adds 12 hours to Time if pm, and adds 0 hours to Time if am
df$Time24 = df$Time + ifelse(df$`am/pm` == "pm", 0.5, 0)
# Time am/pm Time24
# 1 09:02:30 am 09:02:30
# 2 09:02:24 am 09:02:24
# 3 09:02:04 am 09:02:04
# 4 09:01:57 am 09:01:57
# 5 09:01:54 am 09:01:54
# 6 09:01:51 pm 21:01:51
# 7 09:01:38 pm 21:01:38
# 8 09:01:37 pm 21:01:37
# 9 09:01:27 pm 21:01:27
# 10 09:01:16 pm 21:01:16