I have a details.component
and a list.component
. My App is about cars.
You can open up a car in the details component
to see it's details. After returning to the list component
by pressing the back button (integrated back-button), the car you looked before should be selected/highlighted.
The list component is a large list of all cars. I am using bootstrap. I guess the car from the details component must be overhanded with a service? Or is there a simple solution?
I'm a beginner in angular. I would appreciate any kind of examples. Thank you very much
carId$ = this.routerQuery.selectParams<number>('carId').pipe(
filter(carId => +carId > 0)
this.carId$.subscribe(carid => {
How can I highlight / select the last viewed car in the html file?
I created a full example stackblitz for you.
I created two components: cars.component
and detail.component
I created a car.service.ts
which is handling selection and emulating retrieving cars, probably by a backend.
I am getting the id from the url to retrieve the data by a backend call.
Here is the stackblitz: Cars selection service example