My question: How can Codepipeline read the value of a field in a json file which is in SourceCodeArtifact
I have Gthub repo that contains a file imageManifest.json
which looks like this:
"image_id": "",
"image_version": "1.0.1"
I want my AWS Codepipeline Source stage to be able to read the value of image_version
from imageManifest.json
and pass it as a parameter to a CloudFormation action in a subsequent stage of my pipeline.
For reference, here is my source stage.
- Name: GitHubSource
- Name: SourceAction
Category: Source
Owner: ThirdParty
Version: '1'
Provider: GitHub
- Name: SourceCodeArtifact
Owner: !Ref GitHubOwner
Repo: !Ref GitHubRepo
OAuthToken: !Ref GitHubAuthToken
And here is my deploy stage:
- Name: DevQA
- Name: DeployInfrastructure
- Name: SourceCodeArtifact
Category: Deploy
Owner: AWS
Provider: CloudFormation
Version: '1'
StackName: !Ref AppName
RoleArn: !GetAtt [CloudFormationRole, Arn]
ParameterOverrides: !Sub '{"ImageId": "${image_version??}"}'
Note that image_version
in the last line above is just my aspirational placeholder to illustrate how I hope to use the image_version
json value.
How can Codepipeline read the value of a field in a json file which is in SourceCodeArtifact
StepFunctions? Lambda? CodeBuild?
You can use a CodeBuild step in between Source and Deploy stages.
In CodeBuild step, read the image_version
from SourceArtifact (artifact produced by soruce stage) and write to an artifact 'Template configuration' file 1 which is a configuration property of the CloudFormation action. This file can hold parameter values for your CloudFormation stack. Use this file instead of ParameterOverrides
you are currently using.