I'm writing my first Shopware 6 plugin and following this howto
But the navigation entry for Plugins will not show up. (URL: admin#/sw/settings/index) and the menu looks like this:
but it should look like this:
My plugin is active (checked in backend), the tables were created, so I guess it is loaded.
I copied the config.xml file from the tutorial into my plugin and validated it (just to be sure).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<title>Basic Configuration</title>
<title lang="de-DE">Grundeinstellungen</title>
<label>eMail address</label>
<label lang="de-DE">E-Mailadresse</label>
<placeholder>[email protected]</placeholder>
<placeholder lang="de-DE">[email protected]</placeholder>
<helpText>Please fill in your personal eMail address</helpText>
<helpText lang="de-DE">Bitte trage deine persönliche E-Mailadresse ein</helpText>
<input-field type="single-select">
<name>English smtp</name>
<name lang="de-DE">German smtp</name>
<name>English pop3</name>
<name lang="de-DE">German pop3</name>
<label>Mail method</label>
<label lang="de-DE">Versand-Protokoll</label>
<title>Advanced Configuration</title>
<title lang="de-DE">Erweiterte Einstellungen</title>
<input-field type="password">
<label>Secret token</label>
<label lang="de-DE">Geheimschlüssel</label>
<helpText>Your secret token for xyz...</helpText>
<helpText lang="de-DE">Dein geheimer Schlüssel für xyz...</helpText>
So what is the precondition to show the Plugin navigation entry?
Ok, the problem is, I'm looking at the wrong place.
for the settings tab, you will need an own module with an settingItem
-- Shyim
If one is using a config.xml as I do, you can configure it within the plugin configuration hidden behind the three dots.