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Shopware6: Plugin configuration is missing

I'm writing my first Shopware 6 plugin and following this howto

But the navigation entry for Plugins will not show up. (URL: admin#/sw/settings/index) and the menu looks like this: enter image description here but it should look like this: enter image description here

My plugin is active (checked in backend), the tables were created, so I guess it is loaded.

I copied the config.xml file from the tutorial into my plugin and validated it (just to be sure).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
    <title>Basic Configuration</title>
    <title lang="de-DE">Grundeinstellungen</title>

        <label>eMail address</label>
        <label lang="de-DE">E-Mailadresse</label>
        <placeholder>[email protected]</placeholder>
        <placeholder lang="de-DE">[email protected]</placeholder>
        <helpText>Please fill in your personal eMail address</helpText>
        <helpText lang="de-DE">Bitte trage deine persönliche E-Mailadresse ein</helpText>

    <input-field type="single-select">
                <name>English smtp</name>
                <name lang="de-DE">German smtp</name>
                <name>English pop3</name>
                <name lang="de-DE">German pop3</name>
        <label>Mail method</label>
        <label lang="de-DE">Versand-Protokoll</label>

    <title>Advanced Configuration</title>
    <title lang="de-DE">Erweiterte Einstellungen</title>

    <input-field type="password">
        <label>Secret token</label>
        <label lang="de-DE">Geheimschlüssel</label>
        <helpText>Your secret token for xyz...</helpText>
        <helpText lang="de-DE">Dein geheimer Schlüssel für xyz...</helpText>

So what is the precondition to show the Plugin navigation entry?


  • Ok, the problem is, I'm looking at the wrong place.

    for the settings tab, you will need an own module with an settingItem

    -- Shyim

    If one is using a config.xml as I do, you can configure it within the plugin configuration hidden behind the three dots.

    enter image description here