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node.jsgetstream-io How to get a users unread messages count from the server

Is there any way to query a users total unread messages count across all channels from the server?

I can see it is possible to do this from the client using setUser but this is not appropriate for usage in a server side scenario. I am using nodejs, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks, Mark


  • This is how I got all the messages across all channels from the server. I wrote it in JS, hopefully it will help you out:

    async function listUnreadMessages(user) {
      const serverClient = new StreamChat(api_key, stream_secret, options)
      await serverClient.setUser(
          id: `${}`,
          name: `${user.full_name}`,
          image: user.profile_image
      const filter = { members: { $in: [`${}`] } }
      const sort = { last_message_at: -1 }
      const channels = await serverClient.queryChannels(filter, sort, {
        watch: true
      let unreadList = {}
      const unreads = await Promise.all( => {
          unreadList[] = c.countUnread()
          return c.countUnread()
      return unreadList