I have a jar in artifactory without pom. when I try to download it from maven/gradle, it is not being found with an error "Could not find com.kroger.galactus:koop-order:unspecified". My question is, is it possible to download artifact from artifactory which only has jar file and no pom file?
edited: since it is not possible to download without pom file. I have a third party jar file which I need to upload to artifactory. I used curl -X PUT -u u:p -T Maven-Upload-1.1.jar "https:///artifactory/repo/Maven-Upload-1.1.jar", which uploaded jar file. Is there other way to upload it so it can create pom file in artifactory?
If there is no POM, you need to create one. You can e.g. do this through the artifactory REST api, possibly through the UI as well.