I try to develope the following in Flutter
The first step is no problem, but how to build the second step? How can I create a video from images in Flutter?
I found the flutter_ffmpeg
plugin: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_ffmpeg
Would this be possible with this package?
Otherwise this package above is very large. Are there other possibility to create a video from images with Flutter?
Yes, and I would recommend this package in the long run, because your expectations about how the video is created, may become more elaborated.
The package is large because it provides the full power of ffmpeg
on all supported platforms. When you build an app for specific device (e.g., iPhone), the size penalty will hopefully be tolerable.
This said, you can build your own version of flutter_ffmpeg
package removing all the external libraries that you don't need. Don't expect such cleanup to be easy, it may take few iterations before you settle on the right balance of size vs power.