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How can I delete multiple rows from a table with another condition?

I have a table like this:

Id  Name     ProductId

1   Apple    1
2   Apple    null
3   Apple    2
4   Orange   1
5   Orange   2
6   Pear     null
7   Lemon    1
8   Lemon    null

I want to delete a row if it's ProductId is null and if it's Name is occurs more than once.

At this example if I run a proper delete query, it should delete these rows:

2   Apple    null
8   Lemon    null

Which kind of delete query can work for me?


  • I would recommend using aggregation or something similar before joining:

    delete t from test t join
           (select, count(*) as cnt
            from test t
            group by
           ) tt
           on =
    where tt.cnt > 1 and t.product_id is null;

    This is much better than a self join without aggregation. Why? Because each row is identified exactly once. In your sample data, a self-join without aggregation attempts to delete row id = 2 twice (once for the match to 1 and once for the match to 3). That is unnecessary. And it can become highly inefficient if a name has many rows.

    I also think that you don't simply want a cnt of 2 but you want a non-NULL product id. That is:

    delete t from test t join
           (select, count(*) as cnt
            from test t
            where product_id is not null
            group by
           ) tt
           on =
    where tt.cnt >= 1 and t.product_id is null;

    Here is a db<>fiddle.