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Request Timeout ( HTTP 408) : loadbalancer backed by ecs-fargate with nginx image

I am trying to create following infrastructure using terraform. LoadBalancer -> ECS-Service -> Fargate (nginx images, count=2)

After applying terraform plan, I can see that a target groups shows two healthy targets. But when i try to access loadbalancer dns name from browser, I am getting request-timeout. Ping is also not working for lb dns name.

Loadbalancer is an non-internal application loadbalancer with security-group allowing all traffic on 80 port to all IPv4.

Need help.


  • Did you configure LB in the public subnet? seems like it's in a private subnet, and did you tried to access the application from aws network to verify the LB working inside AWS VPC network?

    curl lb_dns 


    nslookup lb_dns

    from any ec2 machine within the VPC if that worked, its mean the LB in only reachable with in private subnet, move LB to public subnet and should work.