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Deploying Model to Kubernetes

I am trying to deploy a model to Kubernetes in Azure Machine Learning Studio, it was working for a while, but now, it fails during deployment, the error message is as follows:

Deploy: Failed on step WaitServiceCreating. Details: AzureML service API error. 
Your container application crashed. This may be caused by errors in your scoring file's init() function.
Please check the logs for your container instance: pipeline-created-on-07-28-2020-r.
From the AML SDK, you can run print(service.get_logs()) if you have service object to fetch the logs.
You can also try to run image locally.
Please refer to for more information.
    "code": "KubernetesDeploymentFailed",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": "Kubernetes Deployment failed",
    "details": [
            "code": "CrashLoopBackOff",
            "message": "Your container application crashed. This may be caused by errors in your scoring file's init() function.
Please check the logs for your container instance: pipeline-created-on-07-28-2020-r. From the AML SDK, you can run print(service.get_logs()) if you have service object to fetch the logs. \nYou can also try to run image locally. Please refer to for more information."


  • It seems it was a bug, got corrected by itself today. Closing this question now